History of ACT-U

A look at the projects of the ACT-U and the achievements in the year of its foundation until the last few years.


Shiny Village 11

The 11th ACT-U water sanitation programme started in December 2021 and ended in December 2023.

It targeted 30 rural communities in the Kotido and Karenga districts.

Of the 30 boreholes drilled, eight were found to be dry and replaced by as many wells, four in the same communities and another four in different communities.


Rene nursery and primary school - Nakapiripirit

The project started in 2018 and continued this year. It aims to build a quality school complex.

The complex is now completely enclosed. It is run by the parish of Nakapiripirit and access conditional on the payment of a small fee.

In 2023, ACT-U provided financial support for teachers' salaries.

Kampala street children project

In 2023 ACT-U secured the necessary funding to continue the activities of the reception centre in Kampala

Minor Projects

In the sub-region of Karamoja, there are numerous initiatives in need of small, one-off support.

In 2023, the regional hospital in Matany, the girls' school in Kangole, an orphanage in Moroto and a local association in the Mbale area received support.

Also part of these projects is the Women Empowerment Programme, for which we continue to provide funding.

Agriculture project

The project targets a group of 150 young people from the village of Ngenge. The aim is to train young people in income-generating agriculture.

In 2023, work continued with a further 32 young people.

Amudat Primary School for Girls

Also in 2023, we financially supported the improvement works at the girls' primary school in Amudat. The grants were used for building and facility maintenance.


Shiny Village 11

The 11th ACT-U water sanitation programme started in December 2021 and will end in late 2023.

Thirty water wells will be constructed in the Kotido and Karenga districts.

The project also includes community education, the establishment of management committees with no less than 50 per cent women, and the training of installation maintainers.

As with the other Shiny Village projects, the interventions are part of the Ugandan government's water planning.

The project received federal funds through FOSIT.

In 2022, 10 wells were drilled (2 of which were found to be dry).

Rene nursery and primary school - Nakapiripirit

The project started in 2018 and continued this year. It aims to build a quality school complex.

In 2022, four new classrooms were built for as many primary school classes, disabled access, new toilets and a new, larger kitchen.

ACT-U also contributed to the financing of teachers' salaries.

Kampala street children project

In 2022, thanks to ACT-U's contribution, the project was able to pay the salary for a full-time counsellor, as well as distribute compensation for volunteer staff, including transport to and from the reception centre.

Expenses for the annual rent of the reception centre and contributions for staff transport and accommodation were paid.

Expenses were also covered for the awareness-raising programme in the villages in Karamoja, to try to stop the trafficking of children from the region.

Other expenses are related to first aid needs for children who reach the centre.

A start-up was set up for 40 girls at high risk of returning to the streets to beg.

Minor Projects

In the Karamoja sub-region, there are numerous initiatives in need of small, one-off support.

In 2022, the regional hospital in Matany, the girls' school in Kangole, an orphanage in Moroto and a local association in the Mbale area received support.

Agriculture project

The project targets a group of 150 young people from the village of Ngenge. The aim is to train young people in income-generating agriculture.

In 2022, training was completed for a further 32 young people, male and female in equal measure, who were able to cultivate their own plot of land in two seasons.

The acquisition of the land on which the different plots of land cultivated by the young people were also completed. Inmates from the nearby Atari Prison also lend a hand to the project in the context of social work.

Women Empowerment Programme

The project, coordinated by Sr. Elisabeth and John Magas Agostino, is located in Kangole, in the Karamoja sub-region, and caters for 160 participants.

100% of the beneficiaries attended classes and all project activities, which is attributed to excellent and strong community mobilisation.

Mary of God Primary School - Kanawat

The school has an attendance of about 1,200 pupils. It is run by a congregation of nuns and is an integral part of the local community and the national education system.

In 2022, ACT-U financed several interventions, mainly aimed at the water and food autonomy of the institute.

All the arable land has been fenced off and an initial nursery has been built for the reproduction of seedlings that will then be planted on the new arable land.

Amudat Primary School for Girls

In 2022, we returned to Amudat Primary School to finance a new kitchen for the school and a smaller one for the resident teachers. We also built a pantry and a storeroom.


Shiny Village 11

In December 2021, the new Shiny Village project started.

It will end in 2023 and 30 water wells will be constructed in the Kotido and Karenga districts.

The project also includes community education, the establishment of management committees with no less than 50 per cent women, and the training of installation maintainers.

As with the other Shiny Village projects, the interventions are part of the Ugandan government's water planning.

The project received federal funds through FOSIT.



The family home houses three orphans who were found to be unable to stay at the Iganga orphanage once they had passed the maximum age limit.

One of them recently graduated in Industrial Art from the YMCA Institute in Kampala. The other two are completing their higher education.

ACT-U finances all current expenses of the orphans: board, school fees, medical expenses, etc.


Rene School Project - Nakapiripirit

We continued the project we started in 2018 to build a quality school complex.

During 2021, new classrooms were built for new primary school classes.

Markets and flea markets

Our presence at the flea markets unfortunately came to an abrupt halt due to the health situation.

Even our big second-hand market in August 2021 could only take place in a reduced form.

Minor projects - Moroto District

We maintained regular contact with the institutions we support, which are the Matany regional hospital, the Kangole girls' school and an orphanage.

Kampala street children project

In cooperation with the Ugandan Comboni Sisters, this project takes girls and children off the streets of Kampala.

During the lockdown, the centre remained closed, but social workers continued to roam the city's slums to offer the children food support.

Agricultural project

The project targets a group of 150 young people from the village of Ngenge. The aim is to train young people in income-generating agriculture.

The first group of 30 young girls and boys started their training in October 2021.


Shiny Village

In 2020 the Shiny Village 10 project was completed!

29 working wells out of a planned total of 30 wells were developed. One well proved to be unproductive. All wells have been officially handed over to the beneficiary communities.

The project also includes community education, the establishment of management committees with no less than 50% women, and the training of installation maintainers.

As with the other Shiny Village projects, the interventions are part of the Ugandan government's water planning.



Financial support to the ACT-U family home continued.

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic also affected Ugandan high schools and universities, which were closed.

Expenditure on the family home therefore focused on accommodation, meals and telephone connection.


Rene School Project - Nakapiripirit

The aim of this project is to offer the local population a low-cost school with a high pedagogical and educational quality. Two more classrooms have been financed in 2020, which will house the third and fourth classes of the primary cycle, with the corresponding toilets. Ceilings were also built in the existing buildings and partitions in the school office building.

Markets and flea markets
Minor projects - Moroto District

For the school in Kangole in the Moroto district, we paid the salaries of five teachers and financially supported a women's empowerment project run by the Combonian missionaries.

Kampala street children project

In cooperation with the Ugandan Combonian Sisters, this project aims to remove girls and boys from the streets of Kampala.

In 2020, we supported the project through the following initiatives: payment of salaries for those working in the centre, meeting the costs of running the centre, and supporting the awareness-raising programme that is carried out in Karamoja, the region of origin of most of the street children covered by the project.


Shiny Village

In 2019, borehole locations were located and work began on drilling and installing the wells.

A total of 17 wells have been developed and have already been officially handed over to communities.


Continued financial support for the ACT-U family home.

Our orphans are nearing the end of their pre-university schooling. We have provided for their educational and subsistence needs.


Rene School Project - Nakapiripirit

The aim of this project is to offer the local population a low-cost school with a high pedagogical and educational quality. In 2019, the 2 classrooms that will house the first and second classes of the primary cycle were financed, along with the corresponding offices and toilets.

Markets and flea markets
Economic incentives
Kampala street children project

In cooperation with the Ugandan Comboni Sisters, this project takes girls and boys off the streets of Kampala.

We have supported the project by funding the daily activities and meals offered to the children.


Shiny Village (SV8 Rehab)

ACT-U rehabilitated 10 non-working boreholes. The project took the name Shiny Village 8 Rehab. All repairing procedures were funded by ACT-U.

Shiny Village 10

The project will build 30 new boreholes in rural communities.

In 2018 ACT-U worked on the planning of the project in Ticino and Uganda (fundraising, contracts, education of beneficiaries,...)

SV10 will be financed by ACT-U and other partners and is part of Ugandan water policy.

Communities committees will need to be composed by a number of women of at least 50% and they will be trained on how to manage the new borehole.


The financial support was continued for the ACT-U family home.


A group of scouts of Breganzona (Ticino) decided to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the foundation with a fundraising and a trip to Uganda to help in the building of Amudat Primary School. In the same school a new borehole was built, with a distrubuition network powered by a solar system.

Markets and flea markets

Numerous markets and flea markets were presented throughout the canton of Ticino.

More ACT-U sales appointments have been organized: the second-hand indoor market in Mendrisio in August, and different Christmas markets all over Ticino.


Shiny Village

In cooperation with the Water Office of Kotido District, ACT-U planned the rehabilitation of 16 boreholes, drilled in the past years. These boreholes were no longer used because of malfunctions or damages due to weather conditions.

ACT-U will take car of the rehab of 10 boreholes in 2018, whereas the Water Office repaired 6 of them in 2017.

Sensibilisation and education of beneficiaries will be carried out for these boreholes. Then, the district will take over the management of the water sources and hand them to the local communities.



The financial support was continued for the ACT-U family home. The 3 orphans get financial help to cover all expenses and the step mother gets a small salary.

Schools - Amudat

The Amudat Women's School received financial helps for the new teachers' room, a new accommodation wing for the teachers with bathrooms and showers and a new borehole was drilled.

Markets and flea markets

Numerous markets and flea markets were presented throughout the canton of Ticino.

More ACT-U sales appointments have been organized: the second-hand indoor market in Mendrisio in August, and different Christmas markets.

Economic incentives

ACT-U supported employees and staff by taking care of medical expenses and school fees.

Financial help for the Comboni Sisters of Moroto.



Shiny Village 9

30 new boreholes planned for SV9 - project in cooperation with DSC and other partners.

33 boreholes drilled, 24 completed and well functioning (1 with little water, 8 non-productive).

On 31st December 2016, SV9 is formally completed.


The financial support was continued for the ACT-U family home (located in the suburbs of Kampala). Financial help for 2016 allocated for the 3 orphans hosted by the family home, after their stay in the baby home of Iganga.

All expenses are covered (board and accommodation, school fees, medical expenses, clothes and a small allowance for the step mother).


Schools - Amudat

The Amudat Women's School received financial helps for the purchasing of new mattresses, raining water tanks and furniture.

Markets and flea markets

Numerous markets and flea markets were presented throughout the canton of Ticino.

More ACT-U sales appointments have been organized: the second-hand indoor market in Mendrisio in August, and different Christmas markets in Ticino.

Economic incentives

Medical expenses and school fees for employees and staff.

Financial help for the Comboni sisters of Moroto.


Shiny Village 9

The project was presented and launched with the first necessary reconnaissance in order to start the implementation phase.

Shiny Village 8

The project was finally completed with 20 new functional water wells for many rural communities.


The financial support was continued for the ACT-U family home, where 2 orphans were presented at the end of the year.

The help was continued and on time and satisfied the requests from Comboni orphanage of Moroto.

This year two of our orphans from past years were placed to work (one accountant and one merchant / farmer).


The Amudat Women's School received financial helps for the new kitchen utensils, rainwater collectors, solar lighting systems for two classrooms, and one new office wing.

Markets and flea markets

Numerous markets and flea markets were presented throughout the canton of Ticino.

More ACT-U sales appointments have been organized: the second-hand indoor market in Mendrisio in August, the second-hand Christmas market at the house of Nardi in Rancate, and some flea markets in Lugano and Locarno.

Economic incentives:

Supported expansion and diversification of activities for a former ACT-U member. In particular, contributions are paid to start a biological poultry project with customers who are already insured.


Shiny Village 8

The new project of the Shiny Village family continued. The planned wells for this year were 15.

Due to the weather conditions across the whole north-east part of the country, the project has been delayed. Around the end of the year, some political problems also arose due to the interference by the district governor. The problems have been solved at the diplomatic level.

At the end of 2014, only 14 of the 15 planned wells were drilled.

Three drilled wells are aborted. The remaining four wells will therefore be drilled during the first quarter of 2015.


The financial support for the ACT-U family home continued, where 2 orphans were presented at the end of the year. Kevin, the disabled orphan, passed away.

The help was continued and on time and satisfied the requests from Comboni orphanage of Moroto.



A small financial help to the Amudat elementary school maintained, in particular for the purchase of goods and consumables distributed to the current management and care of the exiled girls.

Also 2 million shillings were released to start a plantation of corn and beans for the sustenance of the Amudat school.

Markets and flea markets

Numerous markets and flea markets were presented.

Two ACT-U sales appointments were organized: the second-hand indoor market in Mendrisio in August, the second-hand Christmas market at the house of Nardi in Rancate.


Shiny Village 8

The new project of the Shiny Village family has started. The planned wells for this year were 10.

Due to the adverse political conditions in the district of Amudat, where the SV8 project was initially planned, the machines were moved to the Kotido district.

At the end of 2013, only 5 of the 10 planned wells were drilled.



The financial support was continued at the Iganga orphanage.

The financial support for the ACT-U family home was continued, at the end of the year there were 3 orphans presented, one of whom was seriously disabled.

The help was continued and on time and satisfied the requests from Comboni orphanage of Moroto.



A small financial help to the Amudat elementary school maintained, in particular for the purchase of goods and consumables distributed to the current management and care of the exiled girls.

Markets and flea markets
Numerous markets and flea markets were presented. Two ACT-U sales appointments were organized: the flea market on the Rancate school square in August, the second-hand Christmas market at the house of Nardi in Rancate.

Last financial help to the Kasambika dispensary (Health Center 3). A five-year development plan for the structure was required.

1992 - 2012

2006 - 2012
2012 Shiny Village 7: 10 wells. Expansion of the Amudat women's school. Material support at the Matanyi hospital.
2011 The second group of tourists was accompanied in Uganda. Small emergency help at a women's school in Moroto. Material support at the Matanyi hospital.
2010 The first group of tourists was accompanied in Uganda. Shiny Village 6: 60 wells Maintenance at Moroto orphanage Material support at the Matanyi hospital
2009 Kangole Training center: rainwater recovery system installed. Food support in the Karamoja region in order to cope with the famine. Material support at the Matanyi hospital.
2008 The Makuutu dispensary was redelivered to the district's medical authorities for current management. Shiny Village 5.
2007 Shiny Village 4: 60 wells. DAIL Ltd was sold to a young businessman from Kampala. The Pro3Coffee project was launched to boost and improve the production of Arabica coffee. The Mokaflor was transfered to Alpha Coffee. ACT-U maintains an important share in the company. The markets extend to Italy and the rest of Europe. The dispensaries management contract renewed.
2006 Rehabilitation and extension of the Kasambika dispensary Launch of women's emancipation projects. Three groups of women were set up- bakery, sugar cane, agriculture. Campaign to protect open water sources, in collaboration with Ugandan scouts. 3 water sources were protected during the instruction.
2000 - 2005
2005 The Nakawule nursery school was built to raise funds for the Iganga orphanage. ACT-U gets out of the direct management of the Iganga orphanage. It stays as a funding entity.
2004 The dispensaries management contract renewed.
2002 Shiny Village 3: 60 wells.
2001 Purchased the handmade roasting Coffee Mokaflor of Arbedo. Financial support and design for the rehabilitation projects of the arabica coffee washing centers in the production areas of Mount Elgon. ACT-U receives the dispensaries of Bwigula, Kasambika and Makuutu from the Iganga district. It created a centralized pharmacy for the three facilities in Iganga.
2000 ACT-U becomes a custodian of children, who can no longer be hosted at the orphanage of Iganga due to the age limits and those who can not re-enter their communities. The first family house was established.
1996 - 1999
1999 Shiny Village 2: 52 wells. Rehabilitation and extension of the Makuutu dispensary. A small dairy factory was built. Closed because of low profit reason in 2001. DAIL Ltd was established, it was a company generally specialized in joinery, carpentry and plumbing. With the introduction of free primary education, the Ugandan government takes over the school facilities. ACT-U gets out of the projects, which are dedicated to public schools.
1998 Rehabilitation and extension of the Kasambika dispensary. Launch of female emancipation projects. Women were set up into three groups- bakery, sugar cane, agriculture. Campaign to protect open water sources, in collaboration with Ugandan scouts. 3 water sources were protected during the instruction.
1997 Rehabilitation and expansion of the Bwigula dispensary. Cantonal scout camp in Peccia with guests from Uganda. The CMS Iganga dispensary was closed by the will of the local Catholic diocese (owner of the structure). The Ugandrill Ltd was founded, for drilling purpose. Kasambika elementary school: new roof.
1996 Shiny Village 1: 50 wells. New Bunalweny elementary school. Jamboree scout in Kaasi with Swiss guests from the ACT-U.
1992 - 1995
 1995 Iganga orphanage: kitchen, playground, corridor. Iganga Orphanage: electric and centralized water well.
 1994 First centralized well in Iganga. Official Foundation of ACT-U (23 April). Restructuring of Iganga orphanage.
 1993 First project in Uganda: new beds for the dormitories of the Ugandan National Scout Center in Kaasi. And principal inspections were to understand what is really needed in the country. An event was organized in Rancate to raise funds in order to be able to work in Uganda. We wanted to create a new record in the Guinness book, making the world's longest scooby doo. First field of work in Uganda. A group of volunteers renewed the dispensary of the CMS district of Iganga. First water well in the sub-county of Bulamagi.
1992 Brussels, world scouting conference: meetings with representatives of several developing countries. The reason of choosing Uganda is because it just gets out of the civil war and there is a possibility of doing many things with little input. First visit of our future representatives in Uganda.