Statute of the Association for Cooperation between Ticino and Uganda

Name and location

1. With the name of Association for the Cooperation between Ticino and Uganda, the association is established according to articles 60 and followed the Swiss Civil Law. The Association’s headquarters is at Via ai Grotti, 6862 Rancate. (2)

Purposes of the Association

2. The Association has set the following goals:
- cooperate with the Ugandan communities (villages, municipalities, philanthropic societies, religious groups, etc.), in order to initiate, support and carry out the development aid projects agreed by the communities.
- sensitize our people to the primary importance of Ugandan needs.
- giving volunteers the opportunity to work in Uganda in direct contact with the local people.

General provisions

3. The Association is non-confessional and apolitical.

4. The Association operates following the foundations of international scouting.

5. The Association is based on volunteering. Members are not entitled to any kind of remuneration or material indemnity.


6. All those persons who are interested in the association and the projects of the Association can become members.

7. The application for membership must be submitted to the competent Committee to decide. For the moment, the member receives a copy of the statutes of the admission.

8. Each member has the right to resign from the Association, as long as that the resignation is announced at least six months before the end of the calendar year and upon the payment of the backlog and / or ongoing social contributions.

9. The Committee has the right to decree the exclusion of a member for non-payment of social contributions reason, as well as for conflicting conducts with the goals of the Association. However, the Committee is not obliged to provide explanations regarding to the exclusion.

10. Each active member is required to pay an annual contribution, the amount is established by the Assembly on the proposal of the Committee.


11. Each member supports the activities of the Association by paying the social tax.

12. Each member has the opportunity to participate in one of the work activities organized by the association in Uganda.

13. Participation in these activities is subjected to the commitment of the member to follow in person for the six months preceding the departure, this is in order to provide the volunteers with all the necessary tools for a stay in Uganda, and it suits the goals that the association has set for itself.

14. The financial support for the single works that the association intends to complete in Uganda can be taken care of by natural or legal persons, even those who are not belonging to the Association.

Composition of the association

15. The compositions of the Association are:
- General assembly
- Committee
- Auditing commission

General assembly

16. The General Assembly is the superior composition of the Association. It meets ordinarily once a year in May. All members are convened by personal notice containing the agenda at least one month before and all members have the right to vote.

17. The assembly is validly constituted regardless of the number of attendees and decided by an absolute majority of the presented members, except for the provisions of articles 22 and 23. Voting takes place by a raise of hands.

18.The committee has the right to convene members in extraordinary meetings whenever it deems it necessary or if at least 1/5 of the members make a reasoned request in writing. The respective notice of call will be sent to the shareholders fifteen days before the scheduled date and must contain the indication of the agenda to be examined.

19. They are the responsibility of the assembly
- the approval of the bylaws and its revision
- the appointment of the statutory bodies
- approval of annual accounts
- determination of the social contribution
- the dissolution of the Association

20. The assembly can not take decisions on topics or issues that are not on the agenda, except in the case of urgency voted by a majority of two thirds of those present.

21. The right to vote is limited to the members present. Delegation is not allowed.

22. For the revision of the following statute a qualified majority is required for two thirds of the members present at the meeting. The assembly proceeds with a revision of the statutes only if this item is on the agenda.

23. The assembly can decide the dissolution of the Association by a qualified majority to four fifths of those present, considered a minimum presence of at least 30%.

Executive committee

24. The ordinary general assembly appoints the Committee made up of 7 members. The members of the committee are chosen among the members and include a president and a vice-president.

25. The Committee has the right and duty to take care of the interests of the Association, directing its activity and taking all the initiatives that allow the social purpose to be implemented to the maximum extent possible.

26. The president represents the Association, supervises and directs the administration, presides over the meetings, signs the social acts in union with the secretary or the cashier and general vigil on the good performance of the Association. His vote is decisive in the event of a tie.

27. The vice-chairman takes the place of the chairman in his absence and helps him in fulfilling his duties.

28. The Committee may choose within or outside of a person called to perform the functions of cashier. He takes care of the collection of social contributions, makes payments on behalf of the president and the secretary, and regularly registers the entire financial movement of the association.

29. At the end of the annual management the cashier presents an administrative report and the balance sheet.

30. The Secretary of the Association is chosen by the Committee within it. Performs the tasks entrusted to him by the president of the Committee.

31. The delegate for contacts with Uganda is also chosen from among the members of the Committee. He is in charge of maintaining contacts with Ugandan communities and manages, in collaboration with the president, the awareness and training activities of the volunteers who will work in Uganda. He signs, in union with the president, the social deeds directly concerning Uganda.

32. The person in charge of the projects regarding the structures, in agreement with the other members of the committee and in tune with the aims of the Association, deals with preparing and directing the construction, renovation or rehabilitation works in Uganda.

33. The majority of the members of the Committee must have necessarily taken part in Uganda for a period of work for one of the development aid projects proposed by the Association.

34. (1)

35. The Committee may designate special commissions.

36. The Committee meets at the invitation of the chairman or at the request of a third of the members of the Committee. It can not validly decide if at least four of its members are not present.

37. The Committee has all the tasks that this statute does not reserve exclusively for the Assembly.

Audit commission

38. The Audit Committee, appointed by the meeting, consists of two auditors and one alternate auditor. It checks the accounts of the Association and annually reviews a written report to the assembly.
Disposizioni finali

39. All social appointments are made for a two-year period. The persons appointed by the Assembly to hold a position in the Committee or the Audit Committee are always eligible for re-election.

40. The closure of the accounts takes place at the end of the annual activity of the Association. The committee is required to present the operating accounts to the Shareholders' Meeting, with a record of the year's income and expenses and the balance sheet.

41. The social patrimony is inalienable and can not be shared among the members. In case of dissolution of the Association it will pass to an entity similar to those of the Association, designated by the assembly on proposal of the Committee.

42. For all that is not expressly provided for in the present statute, the provisions of the Swiss Civil Code on associations (articles 60 and following) are recalled.

This statute, approved by the constituent assembly held in Rancate on 29 March 1994, immediately comes into force.

The President, Luigi Gianinazzi The Secretary, Dario Bernasconi

(1) Repealed by the shareholders' meeting on February 19, 2009

(2) Modified by the shareholders' meeting on February 19, 2009